Let's Play!
Below you will find information on how to register, when to register, when your entry fee's are due, how the bracket is made, game & tournament set-up, as well as the NAFA Abuse and Molestation Policy.
Below you will find information on how to register, when to register, when your entry fee's are due, how the bracket is made, game & tournament set-up, as well as the NAFA Abuse and Molestation Policy.
6 STEPS - COACH REGISTRATION1) Get your Background Check clicking on the box below. ALL Coaches & adults in your dugout MUST get a background check. This is required annually. Unfortunately, we cannot accept a BC from another organization.
2) Sign up for your Tourney Machine Coach Account, this is required for play in 2023.
3) All Coaches & adults in the dugout are required to have Concussion Training, which has to be done annually. You can use either: National Federation of State High Schools, - or - the National Alliance for Youth Sports. However, we also accept Certificates from other organizations.
4) Proof of Team Insurance with SAM (sexual abuse and molestation) coverage is required. Please upload the insurance certificate to the MANAGE FILES area of your Tourney Machine dashboard. Stat law forbids insurance companies from restricting coverage. NAFA offers a great insurance plan through Player's Choice:
5) Read and sign the Coaches Certification for NAFA.
6) COACHES, you will then upload your ROSTER to your TM account. You will send out your Player Waivers through your Coaches Account on Tourney Machine, this HAS to be completed prior to your first tournament. This is found in the WAIVERS area of your DASHBOARD on your TM Coaches Account.